Tobacco is Changing

Tobacco is developing new products and tactics so fast, it’s tough for parents to recognize tobacco when they see it, and even tougher to talk to your kids about the terrible damage tobacco products can do. But that can change right here. It has to. Because the tobacco industry has already found ways to get around restrictions that banned a few flavored tobacco products and made it illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under 21. Tobacco is changing, faster than ever, parents. Let us help you keep up.

Tobacco is Getting Tougher to Recognize

Cigarette use may be dropping among Wisconsin’s youth, but newer, less recognizable tobacco products are gaining popularity fast, and that’s not good because there’s no such thing as a safe tobacco product.

Tobacco companies are working hard to make their products cheaper, more accessible, and easier to hide from adults than ever before. Designed to deliver nicotine, a highly addictive additive that can keep kids hooked for life, these new products come in a wide range of shapes and styles—from nicotine toothpicks, and little cigars, to disposable e-cigs and wearable vaping gear like hoodies and backpacks. Take a closer look at the new tobacco products your kids are seeing in stores and in ads, at parties, and on YouTube

Talk, Then Take Action

Helping to prevent youth tobacco use may seem like an overwhelming challenge, but there are plenty of small things you can do that may make a big difference, like talking to your kids about tobacco.

Download the Talk & Take Action fact sheet for helpful advice, including:

  • Five tips for talking to kids about tobacco
  • Resources and advice for helping your child quit
  • Other ways to take action in your home, school, and community

We have put together information from the main campaign of Tobacco is Changing that is being promoted by the State of Wisconsin. The information is broken down into a few sections: Get to know the new tobacco products, Know the tactics of the tobacco industry and Tips and Resources to help you and your family. Check out the buttons below!

Concerned about a kid’s well-being?

Call 211 or 1-833-944-4673
The Wisconsin Addiction Recovery Helpline can help you find local services and support. It’s free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day.